A APT pode operar globalmente graças ao generoso apoio financeiro de seus doadores.

Somos gratos pelo apoio de governos, organizações internacionais, fundações e indivíduos, bem como pela visão que compartilhamos por sociedades sem tortura.
The APT remains independent from its financial supporters, in particular on matters of policy and strategy.
We are committed to accountability and meeting the expectations of our donors, including by demonstrating short-term and long-term results.
We do not accept donations from sources whose principles or actions are in contradiction with our mission and values.
We do not share, sell or make public personal data of our individual donors. In certain cases, and only with their consent, we may publicise the names of individual donors.
We abide by the ethical principles of Swiss Fundraising as well as the European Fundraising Association.
The APT is eligible to receive Official Development Assistance (ODA) from member States of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
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