A APT pode operar globalmente graças ao generoso apoio financeiro de seus doadores.

A prevenção da tortura começa com um forte arcabouço legal que define e criminaliza a tortura. Igualmente importante é um sistema judicial que recuse confissões ou provas obtidas por meio de tortura.
No entanto, as leis e políticas só são eficazes quando são implementadas na prática. É por isso que os esforços para a prevenção da tortura devem englobar salvaguardas durante a detenção, práticas eficazes de entrevista e treinamento para agentes da lei e e que compõem o sistema de justiça criminal.
We helped develop the Méndez Principles on Effective Interviewing, a new approach to end coercive interrogations and uphold safeguards for people deprived of liberty. We are advocating for their support by the international community and their implementation at the national level.
We are coordinating the #SafeInCustody project in Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand to counter the risks posed by forced confessions and incommunicado detention.
We are supporting the implementation of custody hearings in Brazil, including by sharing up-to-date data on our Observa Custódia platform to help shape policies and practices that uphold key safeguards in detention.
In partnership with the Provedor for Human Rights and the Ministry of Justice, we published Torture Prevention Modules for Prison Guards in Timor-Leste. We worked with a group of 19 Timorese trainers, who then conducted pilot training with prison guards from three prisons, to support a sustainable transfer of knowledge, as well as local ownership of the training and tools.
With the APT, we have introduced a new tool which we call the letter of rights. In the beginning, the police were reluctant, seeing it as more work to explain their rights to people. But it has changed the way we work. This is a real innovation, they now understand that the implementation of safeguards constitutes a beacon for them.
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